Happy Customers are Repeat Customers

At Embue, we’re technologists who not only have a passion for, well, technology, but also for buildings. And we’re a startup. Which means that we work hard, work closely and hand-in-hand with our customers to build a product that solves real problems and delivers strong ROI.

And sometimes we’re so heads-down working with customers that it’s hard to see the progress we’ve made.

But that changed last Thursday, when the Embue team was giving product training to management and staff at a recently completed installation. The training went exceptionally well, and the staff was fully engaged and up to speed on the Embue platform by the end of the session. We worked closely with the attendees, and collected feedback and their thoughts on potential UI improvements, all of which are already on our roadmap. To us, this was huge because it shows that we’ve been listening to our customers and their pain points. This made us extremely happy because it reflects how hard we’ve been working to put the customer first.

This particular property has 270 apartments scattered among 23 buildings with 14 boiler rooms. It’s 1.5 miles just for the staff to visit the front door of each building, so this is a great use case for staff efficiency, energy savings, and for improving comfortable, healthful living conditions.

We’re also talking about expanding to additional properties in the portfolio, which means that we are currently doing repeat business at every single customer we’ve installed at in the last year or more. This is a huge achievement for the Embue team and clearly demonstrates that our product set and value prop is spot on. We’re excited to share with you details of these installations - stay tuned!