How Multifamilies Are Deploying Tech in Spite of COVID-19

At Embue, we started out the year by publishing this article that talked about why 2020 would be the year that multifamily rapidly adopted technology.

And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

Like the rest of the world, we’ve been grappling with questions about what it will look like when things get back to the “new normal,” whatever that means, and then the strangest thing happened:  our customers realized that smart building technology not only still has a place in the new normal, but they want to accelerate rolling it out.

For property managers, remote management and control has always meant improving staff productivity and improving service to residents. Now it also means increased safety. Every emergency maintenance visit to the apartment that can be eliminated, every service call that can be handled remotely now also means increased safety and peace-of-mind. 

But, how do you deploy a solution like Embue now so your portfolio is ready for the future? What makes Embue different from other smart apartment and building automation vendors is that our approach is holistic, meaning that it automates the entire building, from individual apartments to critical building systems. We’re working with several property management companies who have decided to start deploying Embue today, installing the solution in common areas and on critical building equipment. They’re already seeing gains by:

  • Getting a better handle on energy efficiency

  • Using data to fine tune building systems

  • Outfitting common areas with smart thermostats and sensors for occupancy, moisture and window open/close

As new working practices are established and in-apartment installations resume, property managers we’re working with are planning to add thermostats and sensors, and connect them to Embue Super(™) to control and automate the entire building.It’s clear that in the post-COVID-19 world, having access and control of thermostats and sensors in individual units will be highly desired as property managers seek ways to reduce face-to-face contact with residents while keeping residents satisfied and ensuring that building systems work at peak efficiency. Today, property managers can take a step-by-step approach to make that happen.